Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is taking care and staying healthy - this means going outside too! Just be sure to keep your two meter social distance from others.  These are uncomfortable times, but we will make it through!
  Just an update on the Supplemental Learning Plan that we are working on - While full implementation will take place on April 20, we will be beginning a "soft start" next week by adding some activities.  Please understand that this is not a full implementation.  To be honest, this is as much a test for us as it is for the programming, as this is brand new for us as teachers too - especially old(er)-school guys like me! Here is what we know right now:

- "Soft-start" for online supplemental learning next week.

- Full implementation on April 20 - this means 5-7 hours of supplemental work** will be posted online each week.

-Students in Grade 7/8 who will be taking part in the supplemental education MUST sign up to
Mr. T's Grade 7/8 Class on Google Classrooms to recieve any materials.  Use the code I sent on Remind last week.

- Teachers will establish a daily time when students can contact/interact with teachers.

-You will be recieving a letter from Ms. Castle on the Springside School Remind app today.  It will outline the plan going forward.

- Teachers will be contacting families over the next couple days just to say hello, and to answer questions (that we have the answers to).  We will also be asking if your family will be taking part in the supplemental learing offered or not.  If technology is an issue, the GSSD will make the necessary actions to make supplemental learning possible for your family (technology or WiFi).

- The Parent Support and Online Resources pages are up and running on gssd.ca.  Please check them out as there is a ton of good stuff on there. I have placed a quick link to the Grades 4-9 online resources on the "Cool Websites" sectioin of this page.

**Supplemental work - What is it? - Supplemental work will not be a full-fledged classroom type of teaching.  It is as its name implies - extra work to keep students thinking and learning, but at a much different pace and style from the classroom.  Lessons likely will not look the same as the ones students may be used to in school.  Please bear with me as I learn as I go with this style of teaching.  I have some fun stuff planned!